PC4 — Sprint Review 2
PC4 is due Monday, 3/9 at noon.
Sprint reviews are important as they serve as a way to review your work, both for yourself and your team.
You will work with your group to create a slide deck that consists of a presentation no longer than ten minutes.
Your sprint review should serve as a discussion of the work done in the past two weeks, any challenges encountered, and the plan for the next two weeks.
Adittionally, there should be a demo of your project in some way or form.
You should review your architecture in this presentation if there have been any major changes.
You can use this template slide deck as a starting point.
You don't have to follow it exactly. Feel free to explain your project however you think is best.
Based on your sprint review, you will receive feedback from the instructors and IAs. This will include suggestions for the future and ways to handle challenges.
This sprint review does not have to be given by all members of your team--one oft-forgotten challenge is time management. With more time than the previous presentations, you should be able to incorporate mroe team members if desired, but having all, or even most, of your team presenting is not required, nor recommended.
There will be more time for questions from both peers and the instructional staff. The idea behind opening the floor to questions is to help clear up any confusing parts of the project and make you think of solutions or alternatives to some of your design challenges, not quiz your ability to respond quickly. That said, being able to handle questions on the spot is an important skill that you will have the opportunity to develop.
Remember, the sprint review is designed to be a review of the work you have done in the previous 2 weeks. A substantial part of this hinges on that work actually being done. Instead of having code deliverables every few weeks, this is our way of checking up on your progress and making sure you are moving along at a satisfactorial rate and your grade will reflect this. We will be expecting a demo that showcases much of this work.
It is expected that many of the issues brought up during the previous sprint review have been addressed. It is important to take into account feedback and reflect upon it. It is not expected that you implement all of them, however, as this s your project and you have the ability to accept and rject feedback.
Previous groups have used Google Slides to produce slide decks. You are welcome to do so, so long as you turn in a PDF version of the slides.
Your presentation can be structured in any way as long as we can see the work you have done. Remember, we cannot grade something we don't see, so if you don't include some of the work you have done in the past two weeks, it will not be factored into your grade. If you do not have a full demo, including visuals of a UI or demoing snippets of your project is substantially better than showing us nothing.
Due to the scope of the class, it is impossible for the course staff to have full coverage on all topics that you may working with, such as specific backend servers and APIs. That being said, the course staff is willing to help you find the resources you need to complete the project. This is an ecnouragement to come to office hours early so we have time to find you resources that will help if you do run into problems and need help.
Between instructor and student feedback, you should have a myriad of suggestions and reviews to go off. At this point, it should be clear how you're going to tackle almost all of your problems. Now is the time to seek out help if you have major roadblocks that you can't solve.
What To Turn In For PC4
You will turn in a single teamX.zip file consisting of a single PDF file:
- teamX.pdf, containing your group's sprint review slides.
Grading Rubric
PC4 Grading (out of 25 points):
- 2 points — Clarity of presentation materials
- 2 points for clear, well-organized, structured, numbered slides; clear and relevant figures
- 1 point for adequate slides, may have some organization and structure or figures but not enough.
- 0 points for missing slides, poor organization, missing slide numbers.
- 5 points — Presentation oration
- 5 points for clear, projected speech that is demonstrably rehearsed and presented in a professional manner.
- 3 points for good speech, not too much stumbling.
- 1 point for unclear speech, unrehearsed, questionable organization, lack of professionalism.
- 0 points for poor, low speech, no engagement with audience, poor time management.
- 3 points — Project management. The presentation should, at a minimum, cover the goals of the last sprint, what was actually done, what challenges there were and why the goals weren’t met, and what are the goals and changes being made moving forward.
- 3 points for demonstrating that there has been progress made over the last sprint and a well developed plan has been discussed to correct any issues and ensure that the project be completed on time.
- 2 points for demonstrating progress. The project may be falling behind and the team has thought about potential issues but appropriate plans have not been discussed to ensure project completion.
- 0 points for sprint reviews that demonstrate little or no progress and have no plans to correct issues.
- 5 points — Project implementation
- 5 points for projects that have developed a frontend, backend, and have developed the AI on their conversational AI platform. At this point there has been substantial work done on all three components and the systems are interconnected in some way. Full integration may not be achieved yet and there may be a plethora of bugs but the infrastructure is in place.
- 4 points for projects that have developed a frontend, backend, and have developed the AI on their platform. At this point there has been work done on all three components but the systems may not be connected at all yet. A component of the project may be underdeveloped but for the most part the implementation is strong.
- 2 points for projects that may be missing at least one of a frontend, backend, and development of the AI on their platform. There are still unknowns on how the system will flow and work is lacking.
- 0 points for projects that are missing substantial development. The project is mostly incomplete at this point and serious questions may be asked about the ability for the project to be completed in time.
- 5 points — Demo. The demonstrations should have components that connect with the backend and frontend. Not all features are expected to work but it should be evident there is work being done towards a completed product.
- 5 points for demos that demonstrate progress has been made. The demo must include a front-end of some sort that connects to the backend and their conversational AI platform. At least two capabilities function throughout the full system. There may still be some problems and difficulties and they are expected at this time but for the most part the system should work.
- 3 points for demos that demonstrate progress has been made. The demo includes a front end and is able to at least handle 1 capability. Work is still needed to fully connect the frontend, backend, and conversational AI platform and the demo may have multiple problems but there is evidence that quality work has been made.
- 1 point for demos that demonstrate a portion of the project. There are vast components missing. Something that is functional is demonstrated that is a step up from the previous sprint review.
- 0 points for no demonstration or a demonstration that is vastly underdeveloped. Frontend, backend, and/or conversational AI platform may be entirely missing from the demo.
- 5 points — Team Evaluation. You will provide an evaluation to your other team members. For this portion, we will send out a form on 3/9/2020 that will close on 3/13/2020 at 11:59PM. You will receive a 0 for this portion of your grade if no form is received within the deadline. Your individual score for this portion will be the average of ratings of you (including your own). This is an opportunity to let your teammates know what’s working and what’s not working and resolve issues as you look to finish out the semester strong. Complete the form here!