DateLectureTopic(s)Homework (for next class)
2017-06-08 36 Project Work Time
35 SPTP: Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets (SASS)
2017-06-07 34 Project Work Time
33 SPTP: More on web security
2017-06-06 32 Project Work Time
31 SPTP: HTML5 Canvas and Pong ( ZIP)
2017-06-05 30 Exam 2
  • Work on Project
29 Exam 2
2017-06-02 28 Adding a Back-End to the ToDo App
27 Practice with MVC and Front-End/Back-End Design
2017-06-01 26 Sessions and Cookies ( ZIP)
25 Integrating PHP and MySQL: PDOs
Prepared Statements
2017-05-31 24 Integrating PHP and MySQL ( ZIP)
23 Better Database Design (Normalization)
Joining Database Data
SQL Commands
2017-05-30 22 Better Database Design (Normalization)
21 SQL Queries
Zipcode Table ( CSV)
SQL Commands
2017-05-26 20 Background on Databases
Intro to SQL
SQL Commands
19 Model-View-Controller Design
2017-05-25 18 The Post JavaScript Apocalypse ( YouTube)
17 No class! Complete the tasks described here.
2017-05-24 16 Wrapping up Exam 1
15 Exam 1
2017-05-23 14 PHP Objects
Temperature Scraper
13 Intro to PHP ( ZIP)
2017-05-22 12 Crash Course on Interpreters
11 Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) ( ZIP)
2017-05-19 10 JavaScript, the DOM, and jQuery ( ZIP)
  • Chapters 6 and 8 from Crockford
  • Chapter 6 from Cameron (on the quiz site)
  • Reading Quiz
  • Homework 2
9 Objects in JavaScript
Prototypal Inheritance
2017-05-18 8 Higher-Order Functions
List/Array processing
  • Chapters 4-5 from Crockford
  • Reading Quiz
  • Homework 1
7 Intro to JavaScript
Functional Programming ( ZIP)
2017-05-17 6 Responsive Web Design
Intro to JavaScript
Bootstrap Columns ( PDF)
  • Chapters 1-4 from Crockford
  • Reading Quiz
  • Homework 1
5 CSS Positioning
Responsive Web Design ( ZIP)
2017-05-16 4 CSS
3 Setting up a Docker image
HTML, the DOM ( ZIP)
2017-05-15 2 Setting up a Web Server
1 Introduction to the Internet and Web Applications