DateLectureTopic(s)Homework (for next class)
2017-05-02 28 AMA in Garden X
  • Readings:
    • None
  • PA5 due: 2017-05-06 at 11:50pm
2017-04-27 27 Exam 3
  • Readings:
    • None
  • PA5 due: 2017-05-06 at 11:50pm
2017-04-25 26 Language Design and Implementation
Syntax Example
  • Readings:
    • None
  • PA5 due: 2017-05-06 at 11:50pm
  • Study for Exam
2017-04-20 25 Concurrency
  • Readings:
    • Scott Chapter 13 (this is long, but use the reading quiz to guide your reading)
  • PA5 due: 2017-05-06 at 11:50pm
  • Reading Quiz 18
2017-04-18 24 Debuggers and Profilers
  • Readings:
    • Scott Sections 16.2-16.3
  • PA5 due: 2017-05-06 at 11:50pm
  • Reading Quiz 17
2017-04-13 23 Local Optimizations
2017-04-11 22 Automatic Memory Management
  • Readings:
    • None
  • PA5c due: 2017-04-14 at 11:50pm
2017-04-06 21 Operational Semantics
Parameter Passing
  • Readings:
    • Scott Section 8.5
  • PA5t due: 2017-04-11 at 11:50pm (Bonus points if early!)
  • PA5c due: 2017-04-14 at 11:50pm
  • Reading Quiz 15 (Extended)
2017-04-04 20 Operational Semantics
  • Readings:
    • Scott Section 8.5
  • PA5t due: 2017-04-11 at 11:50pm (Bonus points if early!)
  • PA5c due: 2017-04-14 at 11:50pm
  • Reading Quiz 15
2017-03-30 19 Exam 2
  • Readings:
    • None
  • PA 5 Coming Soon!
2017-03-28 18 Runtime Organization
Operational Semantics
  • Readings:
    • None
  • PA4 due: 2017-03-28 at 11:50pm
  • Study for Exam
2017-03-23 17 Dynamic Dispatch
Runtime Organization
2017-03-21 16 Code Generation
Object Layout
  • Readings:
    • Scott Sections 9.1-9.3
  • PA4 due: 2017-03-28 at 11:50pm
  • Reading Quiz 13
2017-03-16 15 Code Generation
Processor Types
Memory Layout
  • Readings:
    • Optional:
      • Scott Chapter 15
  • PA4c due: 2017-03-19 at 11:50pm
  • PA4 due: 2017-03-28 at 11:50pm
2017-03-14 14 Dispatch
Fun with Code Generation
  • Readings:
  • PA4t due: 2017-03-14 at 11:50pm
  • PA4c due: 2017-03-19 at 11:50pm
  • Reading Quiz 12
2017-03-02 13 Types
Changing Rules
  • Readings:
    • None; Enjoy your break!
  • PA4t due: 2017-03-14 at 11:50pm (Bonus points if early!)
  • PA4c due: 2017-03-19 at 11:50pm
2017-02-28 12 Types
Inference Rules
  • Readings:
  • Reading Quiz 11
  • PA4t due: 2017-03-14 at 11:50pm (Bonus points if early!)
  • PA4c due: 2017-03-19 at 11:50pm
2017-02-23 11 Semantic Analysis
  • Readings:
  • Reading Quiz 10
  • PA3 due: 2017-02-26 at 11:50pm (Updated!)
2017-02-21 10 Exam 1
  • Readings:
    • Scott Sections 3.1-3.6
  • Reading Quiz 9
  • PA3 due: 2017-02-24 at 11:50pm
2017-02-16 9 Parsing
Earley Parsing
Exam Review
  • Study for Exam 1
  • Readings:
    • None
  • PA3 due: 2017-02-24 at 11:50pm (Note: Start on this early!)
2017-02-14 8 Context-Free Grammars
Recursive Descent Parsing
2017-02-09 7 Finite Automata
Context-Free Grammars
2017-02-07 6 Lexical Analysis
Lexical Analyzer Generators
Finite Automata
JFlex for Simple Calculator
  • Readings:
  • Reading Quiz 6
  • PA1c due: 2017-02-07 at 11:50pm
  • PA2 due: 2017-02-14 at 11:50pm
2017-02-02 5 Implementing a Programming Language
Lexical Analysis
2017-01-31 4 Linear, Tail, and Tree Recursion
Cool Programming Language
  • Readings:
    • Scott Sections 1.4-1.7, 2.1
  • Reading Quiz 4
  • PA1a due: 2017-01-31 at 11:50pm
  • PA1b due: 2017-02-02 at 11:50pm
  • PA1c due: 2017-02-07 at 11:50pm
2017-01-26 3 Variant Types
Higher-order Functions
2017-01-24 2 Programming in Reason
2017-01-19 1 Introduction to Programming Languages
Programming Paradigms
Intro to Reason