@ Martin Kellogg, August 22 2016 This file describes the archive of the tarballs used in the N-Prog scalability experiment. This experiment will appear in our paper "Combining Bug Detection and Test Case Generation" which we're submitting to ICSE '17. This archive contains 214 single bug scenarios and 8 multi-bug scenarios. The 8 multi-bug scenarios are: 4 scenarios with three bugs: potion-123.tar.gz potion-456.tar.gz potion-789.tar.gz potion-131415.tar.gz 3 scenarios with five bugs: potion-12345.tar.gz potion-678910.tar.gz potion-1112131415.tar.gz 1 scenario with fifteen bugs: potion-all.tar.gz All of the rest of the scenarios have just one bug. Each scenario has been modified in two ways: first, it has been setup to interact with GenProg and its toolchain (see the GenProg documentation for information about this process). Second, I have modified the negative test cases. In the original version of each of these programs, each negative test checks if a particular result (the correct answer) is achieved, and fails otherwise. For this experiment, we needed to know if a particular result (the buggy output) was NOT achieved, to test for divergence. To do this, the negative tests have all been modified: their expected output has been replaced with the output of the buggy version. The scenarios are named according to their GenProg scenario name, with -instr appended to the name, with the exception of potion. All the potion scenarios don't have the -instr suffix. The results reported in the paper come from running a collection of scripts---which eventually became N-Prog---on each of these tarballs in an Amazon AWS instance, using the GenProg 2012 AMI. We don't recommend trying to run these on any other platform---it's a pain and often doesn't work because of dependencies, etc.