participant-id,category,timestamp,prompt,answer,stimulus-id,previous-delay,stimulus_time participant-id,category,timestamp,prompt,answer,stimulus-id,previous-delay,stimulus_time 144,3,127200654.155135,Write a statement that toggles the value of the bool variable onOffSwitch. That is, if onOffSwitch is false, itsvalue is changed to true; if onOffSwitch is true, its value is changed to false.,if(!onOffSwitch) onOffSwitch = true; else onOffSwitch,1,14910.86332695454,60000 144,3,127264193.329001,Given a string, s, and an integer, x, update s such that its characters are shifted by x. Ex. s = "cd", x = 1. Loop results in s = "de",for(int i =0; i hash; for(int i;\.....) { if(hash.) },6,6635.9877651700135,60000 participant-id,category,timestamp,prompt,answer,stimulus-id,previous-delay,stimulus_time 144,3,127592730.982331,Given integer variables amount and total both initialized to 0, write a loop that reads in values for amount from standard in and adds them to total until total is greater than 100.,int runningTOtal=0; for(int x = 0.....) { i },5,4517.095716293221,60000 participant-id,category,timestamp,prompt,answer,stimulus-id,previous-delay,stimulus_time 144,3,127655878.241925,Implement a function is_sorted that accepts a vector of integer values and returns true if it is non-decreasing, and false otherwise,for(int x= 1 ,,,,,) { if(vec[i] < vec[i]) },3,3114.0165499555515,60000 144,3,127720974.536209,Implement a function countdown() that accepts an integer n as a parameter and counts down from n, printing each number to standard output, separated by a space. After reaching n, print "liftoff!",fpr x=n x>0 cout<