participant-id,category,timestamp,prompt,answer,stimulus-id,previous-delay,stimulus_time 144,2,128508908.788597,Complete the definition of the function absoluteValue such that it receives an integer parameter and returns the absolute value of the parameter's value.,int absoluteValue(int num1) { if num1 < 0 return num1() absoluteValue = abs(num1); return absoluteValue; } ,2,14378.058957529463,30000 144,2,128542065.887986,Complete the assignment of the variable isFailing such that it is set to true if exam_score is less than 50, and false otherwise,int exam_score; cin >> exam_score; bool isFailing = true?: ; if (isFailing) { cout << "You failed!" << endl; } else { cout << "You passed!" << endl; } ,8,3121.2829609443033,30000 participant-id,category,timestamp,prompt,answer,stimulus-id,previous-delay,stimulus_time 144,2,128577576.338937,Complete the for loop such that it prints the odd integers 11 through 121 inclusive, separated by spaces.,for (int i = 11; i <= 121; if i { cout << i << " "; } ,3,5472.500685007225,30000 144,2,128612763.975567,Given two 3x5 2D arrays of integer, x1 and x2, write the code needed to copy every value from x1 to its corresponding element in x2.,for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++){ x2[i][j] = x1[] } } ,13,5162.144564021832,30000 144,2,128647533.722016,Complete the definition of a function isSenior, that receives an integer parameter and returns true if the parameter's value is greater or equal to 65, and false otherwise.,bool isSenior(int age) { /* YOUR CODE HERE */ if age >=65 return true else return false; } ,4,4739.692249790804,30000 participant-id,category,timestamp,prompt,answer,stimulus-id,previous-delay,stimulus_time 144,2,128683485.398574,Given that an array of int named a has been declared with 12 elements and that the integer variable k holds a value between 0 and 6. Assign 9 to the element just after a[k].,a[k+1] = 9;,10,5916.015931026834,30000 144,2,128717553.493988,Write the definition of a function min that has two int parameters and returns the smaller.,int min (int num1, int num2) { return ?: num1 98.6) { /* YOUR CODE HERE */ fever = true; } else { fever = false; } ,11,4524.852987342658,30000 144,2,128821561.608789,Write a for loop that prints the integers 1 through 40, separated by spaces or new lines. You may use only one variable, count which has already been declared as an integer.,for (x =1; x<41;x++) { cout << count << " "; } ,5,6603.719002794216,30000 144,2,128857834.464835,You are given a 6x8 (6 rows, 8 columns) array of integers, x, already initialized and three integer variables: max, i and j. Write the necessary code so that max will have the largest value in the array x.,max = x[0][0]; for(i = 0; i < 6; i++){ for(j = 0; j < 8; j++){ if(max z && x > y) { return x; } else if y>z && y> z { return y; } else { return z; } } ,12,5084.30871872004,30000 144,2,128964085.417494,Write the definition of a function firstEqualsLast that checks if the first character of one string is the same as the last character of a second string,bool firstEqualsLast(string a, string b) { /* YOUR CODE HERE */ if a[0] == b[b.size()-1] } ,16,5448.681504475034,30000 144,2,129001009.817324,Complete the switch statement to output "Moo!" when the value of animal is "cow",switch(animal) { case "pig": cout << "Oink!" << endl; break; case "hen": cout << "Cluck!" << endl; break; /* YOUR CODE HERE */ case "cow": cout<<"Moo!"<