participant-id,category,timestamp,prompt,answer,stimulus-id,previous-delay,stimulus_time 129,1,4071237.866431,Some people prefer to spend time with one or two close friends. Others choose to spend time with a large number of friends. Compare the advantages of each choice.,If you spend time with only a couple of friends, you get to know them much better than do you with a larger group of friends. However, with a large group of friends, you get to know more people and, sometimes this also lets you have ,5,17833.968356637477,60000 participant-id,category,timestamp,prompt,answer,stimulus-id,previous-delay,stimulus_time 129,1,4138150.852737,Is it more important to be able to work with a group of people on a team or to work independently? Explain.,It is more important to be able to work on a team than independently because everything nowadays is made using teams. Large systems would not exist without the work of teams. Being able to collaborate is essential to making these things happe,4,6883.6470449924645,60000 129,1,4201565.608989,Some universities require students to take classes in many subjects. Other universities require students to specialize in one subject. Which is better? Explain.,It is better for students to specialize so that they gain a strong understanding of a specific field and can actively contribute to it post-graduation. However, there should be some requirement to branch out from the specialization to become more inderdisciplinary and be able to use other ideas in their work. ,3,3377.2548942919443,60000 participant-id,category,timestamp,prompt,answer,stimulus-id,previous-delay,stimulus_time 129,1,4265682.478746,Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide. Explain.,I disagree. while a tour guide can give tourists great tips, exploring on your own makes the trip more authentic. If you discover something great, like an awesome restaurant, it'll mean more that you stumbled on it yourself versus being told it was good. It makes the experience more memorable and,2,4094.3878302782755,60000 129,1,4330963.161247,Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes. Others believe that going to classes should be optional for students. Which point of view do you agree with, and why?,I believe going to classes should be required since, from the view of the university, students attending classes will do better, so the GPAs of teh students will improve. However, students have things come up, such as sickness, interviews and other opportu,0,5244.62256616315,60000 participant-id,category,timestamp,prompt,answer,stimulus-id,previous-delay,stimulus_time 129,1,4396597.581775,What would happen if everyone lived in space? (e.g., What type of houses would they live in? What type of clothing would they wear?),If everyone lived in space, they would live in an enclosed dome on a different planet that would serve as a compound. within the dome, habitants would wear simple clothing, not unlike on earth. However, when leaving the dome, they would wear suits to protect them. In the dome, each person ,8,5600.25975336054,60000 129,1,4460200.808238,Some people prefer to plan activities for their free time very carefully. Others choose not to make any plans at all for their free time. Compare the benefits of planning free-time activities with the benefits of not making plans.,When you plan free time activities, it becomes something to look forward to and can be motivating. But, by not planning free time, it allows more possibilities and sponteneity to happen, which can lead to a more rewarding free-time. Planning does all,6,3573.5777702242663,60000 participant-id,category,timestamp,prompt,answer,stimulus-id,previous-delay,stimulus_time 129,1,4524532.261026,Should a city try to preserve its old, historic buildings or destroy them and replace them with modern buildings? Explain.,A city should preserve its old historic buildings as a reminder of the people who came before us. Imagine if we built something using mililons of dollars and, in 199 years, they decided to tear it down and rebuild. Unless a buil,1,4298.532866948858,60000 participant-id,category,timestamp,prompt,answer,stimulus-id,previous-delay,stimulus_time 129,1,4588663.334468,Some people enjoy change, and they look forward to new experiences. Others like their lives to stay the same, and they do not change their usual habits. Compare these two approaches to life.,If you enjoy change, you may never be satisfied with where you are at in life; however, if you do not like change, it makes you very unadaptable when life happens and changes occur. they both have ups and downs, but with enjoying change, ,7,4093.748917103027,60000